Ms. Michelle Le Dressay
Mr. Martin Straathof
University of Guelph, Master’s Student
Ms. Melissa Visser
University of Guelph, MSc Student

executive summary
This report was commissioned to examine the implementation of policy regarding on-farm diversified uses (OFDU) within the Halton Regional Official Plan. 
The research provided within the report identifies influencing factors of OFDU implementation to include positive spillover effects (Vroege et al. 2020), proximity to urban boundaries (Vroege et al. 2020, Kristensen et al. 2019), attractive landscapes (Vroege, et al. 2020; Kristensen, et al. 2019; Jaarsma & de Vries, 2013) and size of farm (Kristensen et al. 2019). Land use compatibility of OFDUs was identified to decrease as the scale of the activity increased (Caldwell & Aston, 2000). Research also identifies that commercial functions have a significant impact on traffic flows, indicating these activities are of specific concern for OFDUs (Jaarsma & de Vries, 2013).
goals and objectives

1) Provide a review of literature outlining the types of OFDU supplying justification for categorizing activities;

2) Identify parameters or thresholds to be used to sub-categorize OFDU into low, medium and high potential for conflict;

3) Recommend methods of evaluating cumulative impacts on individual farm operations, rural residents and the agricultural system of OFDU in the Region;

4) Identify guidance measures in order to categorize OFDU (i.e. as-of right or through the use of additional planning processes);

5) Provide recommendations on the role of the regional municipality regarding OFDU and suggest when local planning restrictions for an OFDU are required based on potential level of conflict, regional cumulative impacts and category of OFDU