Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands (NEMI): Community Design and Land Use Planning

Population: 2,706



Rural communities focusing on community design and land use planning through policy documents.



A key policy document guiding some of the community design elements in NEMI is the Community Sustainability Plan. The preparation of an Official Plan for the community is currently in progress.


Sustainable Community Plan Vision:

2.2 Our Vision

Naturally beautiful, NEMI will strive to enhance, diversify and expand its economic base and entrepreneurial spirit; strengthen the health and wellbeing of all ages; honour its past and welcome its future, while maintaining its ‘unique’ quality of life on the island.


Innovative Features 

Community Sustainability Plan

  • Some of the elements promoted within the plan include; a healthy active lifestyle, economic development, and agricultural land and products.


  • These overall policies have inspired more detailed actions within the community; such as farmer’s markets, information workshops for farmers, a cooperative community garden, widened roads to accommodate bike paths, increased trail systems, and the development of a cycling plan.


Key Lessons and Tools

  • Have commitment and support from council.


  • Legitimately listen to and learn from the community.


  • Create a long term vision that will carry the community through the next ten years or so; a vision for sustainability.



David Williamson, CAO

705.368.3500 ext.224