muskoka’s changing shorelines
the need for long-term monitoring of shoreline development

By: Monka Rau

exploring strategies for rural youth retention
a case study of the town of goderich, huron county, ontario

By: Yuxi Liu

can limited development be counted?
a review of consent policy approaches in eastern ontario to regulate limited residential development in rural designations

By: Melissa Banford

lot creation in ontario’s agricultural landscapes
trends, impacts and policy implications

By: Arthur Churchyard

planning in small town disaster recovery

By: Amanda Herbert

promotion of physical activity in rural official plan policies
a comparative review of four rural municipalities in ontario

By: Jennifer Huff

exploring how healthy rural and small town built environments can be achieved through municipal policies which encourage innovation

By: Suzanna Kaptur

integrating food system resiliency into regional planning processes

By: Kelsey Lang

assessing transportation disadvantage and public transportation opportunities in rural ontario
a case study of huron county

By: Eric Marr

implicating amenity migration in rural regions
examining land use planning policy through mega-developments in the friday harbour development on lake simcoe

By: Kyle Poole