“Progressive Planning in Rural Canada.” Canadian Association of Planning Students. Annual Conference. Opening Plenary. University of Guelph, February, 2010.

“Planning for Local Agriculture and Food. The Planners Role.” Canadian Association of Planning Students. Annual Conference. February, 2010.

“Prospering with a Stable or Declining Population.” With Katie Temple. API Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland. November, 2009.

“Sustainable Rural Communities.” Ontario West Municipal Conference. London, Ontario. November, 2009.

“The Planners Role: Supporting the Business of Farming and the Rural Economy.” Plenary. CIP/OPPI Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario. October, 2009.

“Protecting Land and the Business of Farming: Tools.” CIP/OPPI Conference. Niagara Falls, Ontario. October, 2009.

“Multi-functionality: A Sustainability Lens.” Multi-Functionality: A Review of Stewardship. Models for Protecting Land. Manitoba Planning Conference. Brandon, Manitoba. October, 2009.

“Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide for the Manitoba Landscape” Land Stewardship Panel. Manitoba Planning Conference. Brandon, Manitoba. October, 2009.

“Planning, Agriculture and Rural Development and the Cost of Community Services.” Closing Plenary. Manitoba Planning Conference. Brandon, Manitoba. October, 2009.

“Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide for the Ontario Landscape” Strengthening Stewardship. Calgary, Alberta. July, 2009.

“Healthy Communities, Sustainable Communities.” with George McKibbon and Loretta Ryan. Presentation to the Ontario Municipal Board. Ontario Professional Planners Institute. May, 2009.

“Innovations Towards Sustainability for Rural Communities.” Community Well-being Symposium. Exploring Innovations in Stewardship, Livelihoods and Learning. Opening Plenary. Bethany, Ontario. April 30, 2009.

“Food Production and Sustainability: A Planners Perspective.” Association of local Public Health Officials. Semi-Annual Conference. Plenary. Toronto. February, 2009.

“Rural Land Use, the Environment and Planning for Agriculture.” World Town Planning Day Event. Plenary. Caledon, November, 2008.

“Landowner Stewardship Guide for the Ontario Landscape.” with Jess Klug. Latornell Annual Conference. Alliston, Ontario. November, 2008.

“Land Trusts, Easements and Other Tools.” Plenary. Preserving Agricultural Lands: Tools for Success. Wolfville, Nova Scotia. November, 2008.

“Why Preserve Agricultural Land and Overview of Tools.” Opening Plenary. Preserving Agricultural Lands: Tools for Success. Wolfville, Nova Scotia. November, 2008.

“Healthy Communities, Sustainable Communities.” Latornell Annual Conference. Alliston, Ontario. November, 2008.

“Climate Change for Planners.” (with Lynda Allen). Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. July, 2008.

“Healthy Communities, Sustainable Communities.” (with Sue Cumming). Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. July, 2008.

“Land for Food or Fuel.” (with Jess Klug). Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba. July, 2008.

“Climate Change for Planners.” (with Jennifer Hill). Climate Change Symposium. Iqaluit, Nunavut. July, 2008.

“Planning for and Managing Economic Change in Rural Communities.” Rural Matters Conference. Edmonton, Alberta. July, 2008.

“Rural Land Use and the Environment.” Rural Matters Conference. Edmonton, Alberta. July, 2008.

“Healthy Communities, Sustainable Communities: Linkages with Agricultural and Rural Planning Issues.” Opening Plenary Presentation. Health Nutritionists of Ontario Annual Conference. Alliston, Ontario. May, 2008.

“Healthy Communities, Sustainable Communities: Linkages with Local Food.” Healthy Communities Coalition, Annual Conference. Sault St. Marie, Ontario, May, 2008.

“Rural Sustainability: Farming, Rural Communities and the Environment: Perspectives from Canada.” New Zealand Planning Institute, 2008 Conference. Greymouth, New Zealand, April, 2008.

“Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide for the Ontario Landscape.” Presented with Susanna Reid and Jessica Klug. Latornell Symposium. Alliston, Ontario, November 16, 2007.

“Land Use Planning, Farmland Preservation and Farm Viability.” Farmland Preservation Conference. Guelph, Ontario, April, 2007.

“A Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide for the Huron Watershed: Huron and Provincial Perspectives.” Forests in Settled Landscapes. Toronto, Ontario, August 22, 2007.

“Agriculture, Recreation & Concerns Over Water Quality: Finding Solutions in the Community. Opening Plenary Presentation. Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation. Midland, Ontario, July 13, 2007.

“A Call to Action: Touchstones for Today’s Planners.” Presented with Jennifer Ball, Beate Bowron, Annie Cheung, Gary Davidson, Katherine Grechuta, Patty Munkittrick, and Richard Parker. CIP National Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, June, 2007.

“Stewardship and Non-Farm Landowners.” Plenary Presentation. Canadian Urban Institute’s Nature Count$ Symposium. Toronto, Ontario, March 30, 2007.

“Agriculture and Rural Conflict: Canada’s Lessons for Direct Marketers.” Plenary Presentation. New York State Direct Marketing Association. New York, January, 2007.

“Rural Grievances Causes and Solutions.” Presentation Latornell Symposium. Aliston , Ontario. November 2006.

“Preserving Farmland: A National Perspective.” Opening plenary presentation. Post World Planners Congress Seminar Planning for Food. Vancouver, British Columbia, June , 2006.

“Sustainable Relief and Reconstruction-Turing Discussions into Operational Reality.” Invited by UN-Habitat to serve as facilitator. World Urban Forum III. Vancouver, British Columbia, June, 2006.

“Getting Down to Business: Community Involvement In Water Quality Decision-making.” Presentation with Susanna Ried. Canadian Water Resources Association Conference, Toronto, June 2006.

“Unearthing the Root of Conflict in the Countryside: Cultivating Space and Understanding.” Presentation with Jennifer Ball. Rural Development Conference, Collingwood, April, 2006.

“Forgoing New Paths Together: Making a Difference by Conquering Difference.” Opening Plenary Presentation. Manitoba Planning Conference. Portage la Prairie, March 2006.

“Non-Farm uses in Farming County Planning for Farmland Preservation.” Manitoba Planning Conference. Portage la Prairie. March 2006.

“Impact of Pork Industry on Rural Communities: Community Perceptions of Environmental, Economic and Social Impacts of Livestock Production.” Invited Plenary Presentation. Banff Pork Congress. Banff, Alberta, January , 2006.

“Rural & Urban: Discovering Strength In Our Differences.” Presentation at The York-Durham Rural- Urban Summit, Uxbridge, Ontario. November, 2005.

“Bringing Practice To The Classroom Or The Classroom To Practice: Pioneering Strategies For Teaching Planning At Universities.” Presentation at the American Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri. October, 2005.

“Managing The Countryside: Policy And Implementation.” Presentation at the Ontario Professional Planners Institute Annual Conference, Hamilton, Ontario. October, 2005.

“Agriculture and Rural Conflict: Resolution Using Local Advisory Committees.” Presentation with Jennifer Ball, at the American Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual conference, Kansas City, Missouri. October, 2005.

“Storytelling: Application In Planning.” Presentation With Jennifer Ball at the Ontario Professional Planners Institute Annual Conference, Hamilton, Ontario. October, 2005.

“Urban Expansion-Rural Demise: Can We keep Farming in Rural Ontario?” Presentation prepared by Wayne Caldwell and Melissa Watkins and delivered By Melissa Watkins, Soil and Water Conservation, Annual Conference, Rochester, New York. August, 2005.

“Bringing Practice To The Classroom or The Classroom to Practice: Pioneering Strategies For Teaching Planning at Universities.” Presentation at Canadian Institute of Planners Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta. July, 2005.

“Planning For The Public Interest – The Province Vs. The Municipality: Ontario’s Nutrient Management Act.” Presentation With Alicia Evans at Canadian Institute of Planners Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta. July, 2005.

“The Industrialization of Agriculture And Conflict In The Community: Practical Strategies For A Local Response.” Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference, London, Ontario. June, 2005.

“Beyond The Greenbelt: Protecting Agricultural Land In Ontario.” Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference, London, Ontario. June, 2005.

“The Huron Georegion: Rurality Preserved?” Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference, London, Ontario. June, 2005.

“Using The Planning Act To Protect Agricultural Land In Ontario, Farmland Preservation Conference: Meeting The Challenge Of Farming In The Urban Shadow”, Guelph, Ontario. June, 2005.

“Agriculture, Nutrient Management and Provincial vs. Municipal Responsibility.”Ontario Agricultural College. Invited Lecture, Guelph, Ontario, March 2005.

“Rural Planning & Development Challenges: The Encroaching Urban Shadow.” Conference on the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Toronto, Ontario, January, 2005.

“Livestock Production and Models for Conflict Resolution: Canadian Perspectives.” Livestock Environment Initiative Conference, Mississauga, Ontario, February, 2005.

“Protection of Agricultural Lands: An Ontario Perspective.” Alberta Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Program Annual Conference. Leduc, Alberta, March, 2005.

“Livestock Production, Confined Feeding Operations and Community Relations.” Special Session Organized by Alberta Association Canadian Institute of Planners and Alberta Institute of Agrologists. Edmonton, Alberta, March, 2005.

“Planning for Agriculture in a Working Agricultural Landscape: Top Down and Bottom Up Approaches.” Special Session Organized by Alberta Association Canadian Institute of Planners and Alberta Institute of Agrologists. Edmonton, Alberta, March, 2005.

“Agriculture in the Metropolitan Fringe: What does agriculture need to survive and how can planning contribute to this?” Special Session Organized by Alberta Association Canadian Institute of Planners and Alberta Institute of Agrologists. Edmonton, Alberta, March, 2005.

“Fussing and Fuming – Sorting Out Provincial and Municipal Responsibility.” Presentation at Integrated Solutions to Manure Management II. London, Ontario. March, 2004.

“Resolving Local Conflict: Getting it Right With Local Advisory Committees.” Presentation at Integrated Solutions to Manure Management II. London, Ontario. March, 2004.

“Overview of Nutrient Management Provincial Advisory Committee: Organization, Mandate, Priority Issues and Decision Making Process.” Plenary Presentation, Water Environment Association of Ontario Biosolids Management Seminar. February, 2004.

“Reaching Community Consensus: Training Materials for Agricultural Advisory Committees.” Presentation with Jennifer Ball and George Ferreira at Celebrating Communication for Social and Environmental Change Symposium. Guelph, Ontario. October 2004.

“Policy Approaches to Farmland Preservation in Canada.” Hilts, S. W. Caldwell, 2004. Canadian Soil Science Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, Nov. 2004.

“The Ontario Farmland Trust and Farmland Preservation.” Hilts, S. ,W. Caldwell, M. Watkins, B. Wilton, 2004. A.D. Latornell Conservation Symposium, Nov. 2004.

“Why Protect Farmland?’ Presentation at the 2004 Annual Ontario Federation of Agriculture Conference, Toronto, November, 2004.

“The Provincial Nutrient Management Advisory Committee – Issues and Process.” Plenary Presentation. Ontario Federation of Agriculture Conference. Toronto, Ontario. November, 2003.

“Seeking Harmony in the Countryside: Environmental Perceptions, Conflict Resolution and the Nutrient Management Act.” Presentation with J. Ball at the Ontario Rural Council Conference. Huntsville, Ontario. October, 2003.

“Implementing New Nutrient Management Rules.” Presentation at the 2003 AMO Counties and Regions Conference. Sarnia, Ontario. October, 2003.

“Presentations With Punch.” Presentation at the Ontario Professional Planning Institute Conference. Muskoka, Ontario. September, 2003.

“The Contested Countryside: What Planners Need to Know About Rural Ontario.” Presentation with Jennifer Ball at the Ontario Professional Planning Institute Conference. Muskoka, Ontario. September, 2003.

“Nutrient Management and the Transition From Municipal to Provincial Regulations.” Presentation at the 2003 Annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario Conference, Toronto, Ontario. August, 2003.

“Space For Many Voices: Mediation Committees In Rural Ontario.” Paper Presented With Jennifer Ball at International Conference: Taking Charge: Rural Community Empowerment In Rural Development, Rural Health and Rural Education. Inverness, Scotland. June, 2003.

“Speaking For Rural Communities: Form and Process – The Ontario Rural Council.” Paper Presented With Jennifer Ball at International Conference: Taking Charge: Rural Community Empowerment In Rural Development, Rural Health and Rural Education. Inverness, Scotland. June, 2003.

“Beauty and the Beast: Rural Communities and Conflict.” Paper Presented With Jennifer Ball at Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia. July, 2003.

“Municipalities and Nutrient Management: What Lies Ahead.” Paper presented at the Ontario Institute of Agrologists Conference: Manure Management An Ancient Resource, A Present Problem, A Future Opportunity.” Hamilton, Ontario. May, 2003.

“Preventing and Resolving Community Conflicts Over Farming Practices.” Plenary Presentation at the Canadian Farm Business Management Council Annual Conference- Maintaining Excellence in Agriculture. Winnipeg, Manitoba. February 1, 2003.

“Ontario’s Draft Nutrient Management Regulations.” Presentation sponsored by the Township of Stone Mills. Centreville, Ontario. January 23, 2003.

“Nutrient Management: The Municipalities Perspective.” Plenary Presentation at Ontario Agri-Business Association Annual Meeting. London, Ontario. December 11, 2002.

“Agriculture and Conflict in the New Rural Community: The Need for Appropriate Risk Management Strategies.” Invited Presentation to Western Ontario Smart Growth Panel. Owen Sound, November 14, 2002.

“Agriculture & the Risk of Conflict in the New Rural Community.” Closing Plenary Presentation at Maritime Pork Conference. Charlottetown, P.E.I. November 9, 2002.

“Intensive Livestock Production and the Neighbour’s Perspective.” Plenary Presentation at Maritime Pork Conference. Charlottetown, P.E.I. November 8, 2002.

“Nutrient Management- Can We Make it Work?” Paper presented at the Ontario Professional Planners Conference. London, Ontario. September, 2002.

“Lessons from Michigan- Right to Farm, Manure Management and the Role of the State.” Paper presented with Jennifer Ball at the National Conference and Exhibition: Integrated Solutions to Manure Management. London, Ontario. September, 2002 (forthcoming).

“Farmer A” vs. “Farmer B”: Can We Settle These Disputes Locally?” Paper presented with Jennifer Ball at the National Conference and Exhibition: Integrated Solutions to Manure Management. London, Ontario. September, 2002 (forthcoming).

“The Battle for the Countryside: Rural Non-farm Development and Intensive Livestock Operations.” Paper presented with Claire Weir and Melanie Williams at the Ontario Professional Planners Conference. London, Ontario. September, 2002 (forthcoming)

“The Countryside: Urban Area in Waiting or a Resource to Preserve?” Paper presented with Claire Weir at the CIP Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. May 2002.

“Intensive Livestock Operations: Neighbour Perspectives and Agricultural and Planning Responses.” Poster presentation with Melanie Williams at the Soil and Water Society Annual Conference, Indiana, Indianapolis. July, 2002.

“The Countryside: Urban Area in Waiting or a Resource to Preserve?” Paper presented with Claire Weir at the Soil and Water Society Annual Conference, Indiana, Indianapolis. July, 2002.

“Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Solid Waste Services in Rural Communities: Municipality Of South Huron Canadian Case Study.” Paper Presented with Nonita Yap, Larry Brown and Marnie Eggen at The Transboundary Environmental Management Conference, Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico. May, 2002.

“Ontario’s Draft Nutrient Management Act (Bill 81), Strengths, Weaknesses and Implications.” This invited paper was presented at the Ontario Institute of Agrologists seminar: “Regulating Agriculture: How Much Can Farmers Cope With?” Aberfoyle, Ontario. February 22, 2002.

“Clean Waters – Using Community – Based Approaches For Water Management In Rural Ontario.” Paper co-authored with Scott Tousaw and presented at the WEAO 31st Annual Technical Symposium. Hamilton, Ontario. April, 22, 2002.

“Facilitating Community Consensus : Large Livestock Operations and the Challenge for Rural Municipalities.” A paper co-authored with Scott Tousaw and presented at the National Conference on Agricultural Nutrients and Their Impact on Rural Water Quality. Waterloo, Ontario. April 2002.

“Bill 81 – Strengths, Weaknesses and Implications.” Invited Presentation – Regulating Agriculture: How Much Can Farmers Cope With. Seminar sponsored by the Ontario Institute of Agrologists. Alliston, Ontario. Feb, 21, 2002.

“Finding Solutions For Rural Issues- Mobilizing A Vision For Rural Ontario. Plenary address A.D. Latornell Conservation Symposium. Alliston, Ontario. November, 2001.

“Rural Ontario 2001: Nobody Does It Better! Setting the Scene.” Opening Presentation. The Ontario Rural Council Annual Conference. Alliston, Ontario. October, 2001.

“Ontario’s Draft Nutrient Management Act (2000) Agriculture, and Implications for Municipalities. An invited plenary presentation at the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Annual Conference- The Art of the Impossible. Toronto, August, 2001.

“Land Use Issues and Conflict Resolution.” An invited plenary presentation at the conference Livestock – Options for the Future, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June, 2001.

“Local Government and Agricultural Planning: Best Practices.” An invited presentation at the conference Livestock – Options for the Future, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June, 2001.

“Building Innovative Rural Communities: A Case Study of the Ontario Rural Council.” A paper co-authored with Mary Robertson presented at the Canadian Institute of Planners Annual Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, July, 2001.

“Rural Planning and Large Livestock Facilities.” A workshop presented at the Canadian Institute of Planners Annual Conference, Ottawa, Ontario, July, 2001.

“The Rural/Urban Debate.” A presentation at the Agri-Food Outlook Conference sponsored by the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture, Truro, Nova Scotia, March, 2001.

“Water Quality Management in Ontario.” A presentation to the ROMA/OGRA Combined Conference. Toronto, Ontario, February, 2001.

“Development & Planning – A Case Study of the Niagara Wine Industry.” A presentation at the Latornell Conservation Symposium, Aliston, Ontario. October, 2000.

“Striking the Balance: Agriculture, Agri-Tourism & Planning Policy” A Presentation by Wayne Caldwell and David Aston at the OPPI Conference- Vintage Planning 2000: Achieving Excellence, Niagara Falls, Ontario, October, 2000.

“Risk Management and Agriculture: Coping With Change – A Municipal Perspective.” A paper presented to the ROMA/OGRA Combined Conference. Toronto, Ontario, February, 2000.

“Planning the Future Development of Ontario’s Wine Industry.” A Presentation at the 43rd Annual EDCO Conference “Walk the Talk… Strategies that Work.” Toronto, Ontario, February, 2000.

“When the Manure Hits the Fan – Municipalities and Nutrient Management Plans.” A Presentation at the Conference “Tackling 2000,” Ridgetown College, Ridgetown, Ontario, January, 2000.

“Rural Planning, The Community and Large Livestock Facilities: A Cross-Canada Checkup.” A paper co-authored with Michael Toombs and presented at the Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference held in Montreal, Quebec. June, 1999.

“Rural Stewardship: Private Landowners and Community Goals.” A presentation at the Conference “Partnering: Private Interest, Public Rights, Conservation Issues and EAC’s, London, Ontario. May, 1999.

“The Community and an Evolving Agricultural Sector: Coping With Change – A Municipal Perspective.” A presentation at the Nutrient Management Planning Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario. February, 1999.

“Large Livestock Barns, Community Issues and Current Municipal By-laws.” A presentation at the Innovative Farmers Conference, London, Ontario. March, 1999.

“The Community and Groundwater: From Regulation to Volunteerism- The Role of the Municipality. ” Keynote address at the Conference “Groundwater in a Watershed Context,” Burlington, Ontario, December, 1998.

“Agriculture, Risk Management and the Rural-Urban Interface.” A presentation to the Canadian Farm Business Management Council Risk Management Conference, Hull, Quebec, October, 1998.

“Rural Planning and the Environment.” A presentation to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, 1998 County and Regional Sections Conference, Brantford, Ontario, October, 1998.

“Representativeness and Openness: A Model for Public Participation.” A paper co-authored with Ruth Knight and presented at the Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, June, 1998.

“Environmental Health, Intensive Agriculture and the Rural Community.” A presentation to the 44th Agricultural Lenders Symposium – The Environment and Quality Assurance: From Farm Gate to Global Plate. Guelph, Ontario, January, 1998.

“Rural Planning: The Huron County Experience.” A presentation sponsored by the Government of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, October, 1997.

“Transferring Responsibility to the Community: A New Official Plan.” A paper co-authored with Ruth Knight. The paper was prepared for the International Association for Public Participation Conference “Participation in Turbulent times,” Toronto, Ontario, September, 1997.

“Community Development: An Old Recipe With a New Twist- A Treatment For Your Community’s Ailments.” Keynote address at the Conference “Rural Resources, Rural Development,” Truro, Nova Scotia, July, 1997.

“A Community Development Approach to Environmental Management,” A paper authored with Steve Bowers, Hillarie Greening and Owen Williams. The paper was prepared for the Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Conference “Interactions: Managing Ecosystems on a Watershed Basis.” Toronto, July, 1997.

“Planning and Community Development in the Management of Change: A Health Care Perspective.” A paper presented at the ACSP/AESOP Conference “Local Planning in a Global Environment,” Toronto, July, 1996.

“Community Based Planning: Focus Groups, the Planner and Facilitation.” A paper presented at the Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June, 1996.

“Land Use Planning, the Environment and the Siting of Intensive Livestock Facilities.” A paper presented at the International “Manure Management Symposium” held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, March, 1996.

“Setting: A Municipal Council Meeting, Somewhere in Rural Ontario – Agenda: Land Use Planning and Siting Livestock and Poultry Facilities.” A paper presented at the conference “Siting Livestock and Poultry Operations for the 21st Century,” Ottawa, Ontario, July, 1995.

“Rural Community Economic Development: A Model for a Co-operative Arrangement Between Local, Provincial and Federal Authorities.” A paper authored with Carol Leeming, Paul Nichol, and Jim Niesen. This paper was presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, June, 1995.

“Exploring Approaches to the Administration of a Long-Term Care Facility: The Application of a Community Planning and Development Process.” A paper developed in consultation with J.A. Murray and presented at the National Home Care Conference – “Teaming Up For Positive Outcomes,” Edmonton, Alberta, May, 1995.

“Rural Communities: Maintaining Development Options in the Face of Environmental Concerns.” A paper prepared for presentation at the conference “Challenge and Change: Rural Communities Preparing for the 21st Century” St. Andrews, New Brunswick, June, 1994 (presentation delivered by Gary Davidson).

“The Sewell Commission: What’s the Next Step Now That the Commission Has Handed in the Final Report?” Presented at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs’ London Regional Conference, November 5, 1993.

“Rural Planning and Agricultural Land Preservation: A Canadian and Ontario Perspective.” A paper presented at the conference “Exploring Conservation Frontiers”, Fort Worth, Texas, August, 1993.

“Current Approaches to Rural and Urban Economic Development.” Presented at a seminar sponsored by the Southwestern District of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute, April 15, 1993.

“Consideration of the Environment: Its Integration Into Rural Planning and Development.” A paper presented at the conference “Resource Management in a Dynamic World”, Baltimore, Maryland, August, 1992.

“Rural Canada: Towards A Desirable Future.” A paper presented at the Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference, London, Ontario, June, 1992.

“Rural Community Development Planning: The Public, Process and Policy.” A paper presented at the Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, July, 1991.

“Rural Development Planning: An Examination of the Provincial Role.” A paper presented at Innovative Rural Communities – An International Conference, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, June, 1991.

“Agricultural Change and the Provincial Role in Developing Local Approaches to Planning and Development.” A paper presented at the Canadian Institute of Planners Conference, Saint John, New Brunswick, August, 1989.

“Wetlands: A Municipal Perspective.” A paper presented at the Ontario Wetland’s Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 21, 1988.

“Planning For Economic Development: A County Perspective.” A paper presented at Grass Roots Strategies for Stability and Growth, Barrie, Ontario, March 23, 1988.

“Foodlands – Preserved for Destruction: A Municipal Perspective.” Presented at a seminar sponsored by the Southwestern Ontario Chapter of the Canadian Institute of Planners, November 14, 1985.