Measuring Farmland Availability


Dr. W.J. Caldwell, Professor,
School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
University of Guelph


Dr. Sara Epp, Dr. Paul Kraehling
Anissa McAlpine, James Newlands, 
Xiaoyuan Wan, Rachel Singer

School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
University of Guelph

with support from

Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)

executive summary

The purpose of the project is to evaluate the current state of Ontario’s farmland in terms of the land availability and policies regarding land preservation. The goal of this study is to develop a methodology that can be replicated across communities throughout Ontario that will measure both the availability of farmland and amount lost. The methodology will include a review of regional and local official plan amendments, key informant interviews, provincial plans and other base data including census and other local documents.

Final reports
view regional reports below

The purpose of the project is to evaluate the current state of Ontario’s farmland in terms of the land availability and policies regarding land preservation. This presentation was part of Dr. Wayne Caldwell’s 2021 Research Advisory Committee Meeting.

For more information about this project, please contact