Town of Orangeville: Nature and Clean Air

Population: 27,975


Rural communities taking part in environmental initiatives focused on nature and clean air.


  • Orangeville is a community within the Provincial Greenbelt Plan. It is also subject to the Places to Grow Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.

  • The community is projected to grow slowly (1%/year) over the next 20 years and with a signi cant portion of future growth directed to the built-up area of the Town (50%), there is a concerted effort underway to enhance the local environmental sustainability.

Official Plan Policy

F2. Environmental Sustainability
Council will strive to conserve, protect and enhance the natural environment by promoting best practices in sustainable development, including the use of green development standards, energy ef cient systems and living within the carrying capacity of the town’s supporting ecosystems.

Innovative Features 

 Sustainability Action Team

  • The ‘Sustainability Action Team’ (since 2007) is comprised of community political leaders and town staff, interested citizens and business personnel. The Committee is driven by actions which include: tree plantings, community garden establishment, information sharing via an on-line stewardship guidebook, community festivities (Earth Week, school events), and giving stewardship awards.

Environmentally Focused By-Law

  • A by-law that provides development incentives to provide environmental features in higher density infill buildings in the community.

  • Incentives are in the form of development fee waivers to provide ‘green features’ in a development site, e.g bioswales, geothermal energy systems, greywater reuse, green roofs, naturalized landscaping, LEED development standard construction.

Key Lessons and Tools

  • Have a committee passionate about environmental issues.

  • Have council buy-in, this allows for initiatives to be made possible through public funding, as well encourages fundraising and private donations.

  • Provide environmental incentives through by-laws.


Nancy Tuckett, Director of Economic Development, Planning & Innovation

519.941.0440 Ext. 2249