County of Haliburton: Active Transportation

Population: 17,026


Rural communities achieving active transportation (AT) through partnership between community-based groups, municipalities and other stakeholders.


  • A large amount of active transportation advocacy, planning and promotion in Haliburton has occurred through the health unit and in partnership with the Communities in Action (CIA) Committee.

  • Active transportation initiatives are focused in the Villages of Haliburton and Minden. The active transportation projects and ideas were focused on the villages, in order to make implementation more manageable and achievable.

Official Plan Policy

Land use patterns and development should promote energy efficiency improved air quality and allow for compact development that is designed in such a way to support and encourage active transportation….(County of Haliburton Official Plan 2010

Innovative Features 

 Share the Road Program

  • This project has been a partnership between the County, CIA and health unit, and includes the installation of signs and bike racks, as well as campaign posters, newspaper ads and distribution of educational brochures, to educate the public.

  • The county has been adding 1.0 – 1.2m paved shoulders on county roads when they have been up for reconstruction. About 32 km of paved shoulder have been added, some of which are within a 5 km radius of villages.

Measurement and Evaluation

  • A comprehensive evaluation was done in 2011-12, to measure the impact of the CIA’s activities since 2004. Evaluation tools included a community survey, inventory of changes, key informant interviews and observation counts. Results showed increases in reported and observed AT activity, and that the CIA has contributed to these changes. The full report and executive summary are available on the CIA website.

Key Lessons and Tools

  • Recognize that a community-based group can take leadership on active transportation planning.

  • Start with a manageable goal, such as focusing on one village.

  • Communicate the multiple bene ts of active transportation.


HKPR District Health Unit

Sue Shikaze – Health Promoter
(705) 457-1391 Ext. 3249