Other Mechanisms for Showcasing Stewardship Initiatives

The use or simple identification of the availability of the Guide can be made in various forums, i.e.  environmental stewardship drop-in open houses, public meeting settings, workshops, webinars, study sessions, etc.

The Guide can be showcased or provided as an add-on to a stewardship workshop or meeting event. Inventive and exciting invitational words to a property improvement setting should be used to entice participation of potential environmental stewards. For example, instead of marketing a workshop as “Come to a rural landowner stewardship workshop”, consider wording such as “Caring for your land” or “Taking action for your environment”.

The availability of a stewardship Guide for a particular area can be advertised in various outlets, e.g. Welcome Wagon info package, Chamber of Commerce information package, real estate offices, property maintenance and building retrofit companies.

A flyer or pamphlet could be created to explain and introduce the guide, and an on-line version for easy dissemination via the web.

The scoring, prioritization ranking sheets of the Guide could be digitized in a computerized application to ease the quantification mechanics of the Guide’s use. This ‘Guide App’ would be useful for tech savvy individuals, and be used as a mechanism to store and use the Guide in an interactive, user-friendly interface.  This option could be explored in the future.