Appendix C – Examples of Adaptation of the Guide for Specific Purposes
The following are examples of the Guide’s Use in specific applications around Ontario:
- Carolinian Canada’s Stewardship Program
- Credit Vally Conservation
- Eastern Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve
- Lakehead Conservation Authority
- Lake Huron Stewardship Guides
- South Nation Conservation
- Lake Simcoe Stewardship Guide
Discussions on the Use of the Guide were made at the 2012 Latornell Symposium. Presenters included:
- Lisa Brusse, Credit Valley Conservation Authority
- Emma Followes, Ministry of Natural Resources
- Sarah Hodgkiss, Carolinian Canada Coalition
- Tracey Ryan, Grand River Conservation Area
- Mari Veliz, Ausable Bayfield Conservation
- Bronwynne Wilton, Equine Guelph